Prom Country History & Foster Museum

The museum is closed over the 2024 winter period and will reopen in late September, 2024.  

A new exhibition "Fashions in Focus" has been installed and can be viewed during 2024 opening hours.

Requests and other enquiries may be made using the 'contact us' section on this web site or email


The Foster and District Historical Society Inc. operate a volunteer-run museum situated in the Main Street of Foster, Victoria.

See how the district developed from the discovery of gold in 1870, the growth of the dairy and fishing industries, the establishment of Wilsons Promontory National Park in 1906 – Victoria’s first National Park, to the thriving district of the 21st century.

Walkerville Waratah Bay A Patchwork of History

Limestone was quarried and processed at Waratah Bay from 1876 until 1926. During that time, a small township existed, built into the slopes of the picturesque little cove. Adjacent, clinging to the cliffs, were lime-burning kilns, where the stone was converted to the lime used in the building industry. The township has long gone, except…


Walkerville Coastal Geology

The Museum is proud to offer Walkerville Coastal Geology, a walk from Walkerville North to Bird Rocks. The book is available at the museum during published opening hours or by purchase on-line using the PayPal button below. Cost $10 plus post and packaging $12.40


Wilsons Promontory A History – Mary Ellis

The Museum is proud to offer this meticulously researched history by local Field Naturalist and historian Mary Ellis. The book is available at the museum during published opening hours or by purchase on-line using the PayPal button below. Cost $35 plus post and packaging $12.40


Let’s Take a Walk – Through the Streets of Foster

This little monograph is packed with local history and essential reading for anyone exploring Foster. Available at the Museum or via the Paypal button below. Cost $10 + postage $2


Across Bass Strait by Jane L Lennon

Dr Jane Lennon AM grew up in rural Victoria and has an affinity for the stormy southern shores. In December 2020, Jane was made an Honorary member of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) for her distinguished service to conservation in Australia and internationally. This book on the inter-colonial trade in meat and…


To Australia They Came – Everitt Family History by Neil Everitt

A new publication by Neil Everitt recording the life of Luke Everitt, who landed at Sydney Cove in 1830, and his descendents in Ryton in the inhospitable Strzelecki Ranges in Victoria. A well researched book with many illustrations. Cost $30 plus $12.40 post & packaging. PayPal Button below picture


Current exhibition, Exhibitions, News

Fashions in Focus


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We are a volunteer run, not for profit organisation. Your support it is gratefully received either financially or by objects and media.

Latest news

Members Meeting Tuesday 1st April, 2025 at 7.30pm

27 February 2025

Guest speaker, Prue Fleming will reflect on growing up in Foster and the example of service to the community of her family which has culminated in herself receiving the Rotary Award of Volunteer of the Year. Members, guests and the general public are welcome. Members are asked to bring a plate. Tea and coffee available after the talk. Venue: Crawford Hall, access via the car park ramp.



Members Meeting Tuesday 1st April, 2025 at 7.30pm

27 February 2025

Guest speaker, Prue Fleming will reflect on growing up in Foster and the example of service to the community of her family which has culminated…



Membership is open to everyone interested in the history of Foster and the Prom Country district

Walkerville Waratah Bay A Patchwork of History

Limestone was quarried and processed at Waratah Bay from 1876 until 1926. During that time, a small township existed, built into the slopes of the picturesque little cove. Adjacent, clinging…


Walkerville Coastal Geology

The Museum is proud to offer Walkerville Coastal Geology, a walk from Walkerville North to Bird Rocks. The book is available at the museum during published opening hours or by…


Wilsons Promontory A History – Mary Ellis

The Museum is proud to offer this meticulously researched history by local Field Naturalist and historian Mary Ellis. The book is available at the museum during published opening hours or…