1 April – Prof Kit Carson, speaking on the tensions between local/family/personal histories and the big macro/”master” narrative kinds of history.
(Unpacking C Wright Mills’ famous maxim that “ordinary men (people) rarely understand the connection between their personal troubles and the big ups and downs of history”. Conversely, master narrative history from on top fails to pay attention to what can be learned from the more local, personal etc.)
6 May – Lyn Jamieson, speaking on the history of the olive industry in South Gippsland.
Lyn discussed the development of a significant high-end extra virgin olive oil industry in South Gippsland. She gave a excellent well researched talk and fielded a number of searching questions with ease. Thank you Lyn and of course Andrew who ‘backed up’ in a typical quiet manner.
3 June – in June, we will be celebrating our 40th anniversary.
Members, guests and the general public are welccome to attend these meeting in the Crawford Hall, 7.30pm, entrance via the car park.