Tuesday 1 May 2012 – Yanakie

Meeting 1st May 2012

This meeting will take the form of an excursion to the recently discovered graves at Yanakie. Meet at the the car park by the Museum, 2.45pm. Arrangements will be made to car pool and proceed to Yanakie Hall, arriving 3.30. After visiting the graves site we return to Yanakie Hall for a BBQ. Mike, from the General Store, will be our guide and informant.PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR ATTENDANCE BY EMAIL TO enquiries@promcountryhistory.org.au


The meeting at the Crawford Hall, Museum, Foster on Tuesday 6th March 2012 at 7.30pm was followed at 8.00pm by guest speaker Neil Shaw, Secretary of U3A who discussed lifelong learning and U3A (University of the 3rd Age).

Prom Coast U3A (University of the 3rd Age) was established in August last year at Foster.  The central purpose of U3A is to deliver educational courses and “active ageing” activities to its members, all of whom must be either retired or semi-retired (hence the phrase 3rd Age).  With 23 courses and now 133 members, the Prom Coast U3A is fulfilling its pledge to local retirees with free courses ranging from science, arts, craft, philosophy, Buddhism, crosswords, health, dancing, and golf.



Guest speaker 

Dr Rosemary Francis, a F&DHS member for over 10 years, gained her PhD at Melbourne University. She was a teacher of history at Wonthaggi for many years ansd now works for the National Foundation for Australian Women.

Rosemary’s topic will be on Muriel Heagney (1885-19740 a former teacher, born in Queensland but lived in Richmond, Victoria. Muriel Heagney actively campaigned for equal pay for women.