Defending the Eye of the Needle by Ian C McKellar & Morrie Fenton
History & Memories of 14 Radar Station Wilsons Promontory, Ian C McKellar
Woorarra West via Foster, South Gippsland, Trevor M Lagstrom
Where the Wattle Blooms, Perce Gilbert
"The Memoirs of Perce Gilbert", cost $15.00 plus$1.00 postage
Contact us using link below if ordering online
The Rise & Fall of the Mt Hunter Tin Mine, Ian C McKellar
"A History of Northern Wilsons Promontory"
Cost $12.50 plus postage
Contact us using link below for a quote if ordering online
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Welshpool Primary School, No. 3011, George Gunton
From Palings to Pavements, HC Wilson et al
Charlie Brown, Joan Newman edited Shirley Westaway
“A Most Remarkable Man”, cost $5.00 plus $1 postage
Contact us to arrange payment if ordering online
The Fish Creek Pub, Shirley Westaway
The Waratah Story, Patricia Fleming
Cost $3.00 plus $1 postage
Contact us to arrange payment if ordering online
South of Dividing Creek, Vi Pilkington
"A History of Sandy Point", cost $2.50 plus $1 postage
Contact us to arrange payment if ordering online
Turtons Creek, May McMaster
Lasseter at Foster, Patrick Morgan
Cost $2.00 plus $1 postage
Contact us if ordering on-line, to arrange payment
Fish Creek “Good Old Days”, Meme Farrell
Rules for Teachers 1879 & 1915
Cost 0.50c plus $1 postage
Contact us to arrange payment if ordering online
Rules for Teachers 1872
Cost 0.50c plus$1.00 postage