Previous exhibitions...
Fashions in Focus

Our current exhibition “Fashion in Focus” covers outfits from the 1930s to the 1990s. Many items are on loan from members wardrobes. The Yarram Historical Society has loaned us several gowns and pairs of shoes. The curation of this exhibition was ably done by Mauzie who assisted a team of members. Several garments are accompanied…
Immigration Exhibition 1850-2022

“A World of stories from people who, themselves, or their ancestors, left the lands of their birth to live in the Corner Inlet district of Australia will be told in a new exhibition presented by the Foster and District Historical Society Inc.” The Mirror Nov 2022. This fascinating glimpse into our past and present heritage…
Communications Past and Present

The exhibition traces changes in different forms of communication in the district since the early days of settlement. The main subjects include Postal service, telecommunications, railways, roads, radio and television. A mockup of part of a lounge room of around 1960 has been created with radio, b&w tv and dial telephone. A model railway representing…
The Road to the Prom

We are presenting “The Road to the Prom”; our long-running exhibition that examines the opening up of Yanakie Run for soldier settlements and subsequently rural settlement during the 50s and 60s. Also on view are many photos and information displays on the Prom from those decades.
South Gippsland at war 1914-1918

ANZAC CENTENARY 2014-2018 Sharing Victoria’s Stories & Making Connections Foster & District Historical Society Inc presented South Gippsland at war 1914-1918 from 28 March 2015 to 31 January 2016. This exhibition was opened by the Hon Ted Baillieu.
FAMDA – 60 Years of Foster Theatre

The Official Opening of the current exhibition at the Foster & District Historical Society Inc Museum in the old Post Office was at 5pm, 4th November 2013. Edwin Coad, FAMDA President gave an entertaining speech, ably supported by Mohya Davies, Councillor, and Dick Straw, Life Member, who formally declared the exhibition open. Jennifer Jones, President…
Cornerstone of the Nation

We were proud to be associated with these two exhibitions. One, “Cornerstone of the Nation”, Wilsons Promontory’s role during World War ll at the Museum. Called the ‘cornerstone of the continent’ by George Bass when he discovered the area in 1798, this exhibition highlighted the importance of Wilsons Promontory within the nation’s security during W.W.ll and its role in…
Debt of Honour – Bruce Butler

IN CONJUNCTION WITH THE STOCKYARD GALLERY AN EXHIBITION WILL TAKE PLACE FROM 19 FEB 2013 TO 21 MARCH 2013. The exhibition is a small part of Bruce Butler’s major exhibition “A Debt of Honour” housed in Perth. We have been honoured on account of providing photographs and information. The photographs reflect the debt owed by…
No More than Five Miles

No More Than Five Miles: School Days in Prom Country told the story of the many one-teacher schools scattered throughout our district in the days when it was declared that no child should have to travel ‘more than five miles’ to receive an education. L-R: Cr Warren Raabe, Mayor of South Gippsland Shire, Jennifer Jones, President of…